Supporting customers who experience hate crimes

Since early October we’ve been deeply concerned by the events developing in Israel and Gaza. The escalating conflict is having a devastating impact on civilians in the region and our thoughts are with those killed, injured, displaced, or otherwise affected.

Unfortunately the UK is seeing a rise in hate incidents as a result of the conflict, and so we want to outline the support available customers who may be affected.

What is a hate incident?

A hate incident is an anti-social behaviour incident that is believed to have occurred because the victim’s inclusion in a protected characteristic grouping, for example their race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation.

NCHA’s approach

We believe that NCHA customers, colleagues, contractors, members of the public and anyone living or working within the locality of an NCHA property have the right to live and work in a safe environment free from the fear of crime, anti-social behaviour, threatening and aggressive behaviour, abusive language and persistently unreasonable behaviour.

Everyone has the right to adopt the lifestyle that they choose so long as this does not impact upon the lives of other customers and our colleagues.

NCHA has an Anti-Social Behaviour and Hate Incident Policy [PDF] which outlines our approach in this area. Our ASB Service Standard details what you can expect from us.

Supporting customers who are victims of hate crimes

We’d strongly encourage all customers who experience a hate crime to report it to the police, however you should also report it to us so an anti-social behaviour officer can give help and support. If the event you experience wasn't a crime, it may still be classed as a hate incident, and we can investigate it, rather than the police.

Please contact us if you are concerned about an incident.