Our performance

We monitor NCHA’s services and ask our customers to tell us how satisfied they are with us.

Diagram showing that NCHA is listening to customers, analysing, consulting, transforming and notifying people to improve its services.Listening to our customers

The things our customers tell us are valuable – we use them to make changes and improve our work. Whether you’re telling us that our services need improving, or that you’d like to have a chance to express your views on changes to our policies, we’re listening. We have lots of ways to tell you about NCHA’s services, and lots of ways to listen to what you say in return.


  • We monitor what’s going on in the housing sector
  • We respond to judgements made by the Housing Ombudsman
  • We measure tenant satisfaction in key areas
  • We look at the results of our customer satisfaction surveys
  • We look at the complaints we’ve had and the outcomes from those
  • We learn from comments made on social media
  • We talk to customers at our events


  • We carry out research
  • We study the data we have

Consulting and making decisions

  • Our customer panels look at our work and advise us on what they want to see from NCHA
  • Our senior leadership team meets regularly to discuss what’s going on around the business, and the actions that need taking
  • Our board members look at the big picture and keep us on track
  • Our programme teams plan in key improvements and changes


  • We work on corporate projects to deliver big changes that make life better for our customers
  • We make improvements to our processes – again, to make things better for customers and the people we work with


  • We send out regular customer magazines and email newsletters to tell customers about services and changes
  • We share information on NCHA’s social media channels
  • We produce an annual report
  • We share news updates on our website, as well as key information about our services

How are we doing?

We believe it's important that our customers and stakeholders know how we're performing. The table below sets out our recent performance on complaints. 

Complaints Quarter 3
Quarter 4
Quarter 1
Quarter 2
Quarter 3
Number of complaints we received 289 275 238 286 331
Subject of complaints:          
+ Colleague conduct 15 24 13 35 35
+ Service delivery 268 224 213 244 295
+ Policy 4 18 10 5 -
+ Other 2 9 2 2 1
Average number of days to close a complaint 10.6 9.1 11.4 10.6 13.7
Customer satisfaction with how complaints were handled 93% 76% 85% 88% 69%

Our performance report

We’re committed to working with the Housing Ombudsman to improve our performance. The performance report from the Housing Ombudsman details decisions made about our organisation. We use this to review where things may have gone wrong and how we can improve our services in the future.