Be yourself at work

Equality and diversity mean something at NCHA. We're a diverse bunch of people – some of us are parents, grandparents or carers for older relatives. We have fostered children, and adopted them.

Some of us have disabilities, or health conditions that shape the way we work. Some of us are gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual – and anything in between. We are young (and less young!), we speak many languages – from English and Polish to British Sign Language and Gujarati.

We have beliefs, identities and backgrounds from all over the spectrum – but we all work together to make good things happen for our customers. Our panel of diversity champions and allies work to progress and monitor our objectives and commitment to all things related to equality, diversity and inclusion.

Diversity champions

Our diversity champions each represent a different aspect of the way equality and diversity is integral to the NCHA way of life.


Carla, Support Worker

Diversity Champion for women

I've worked for NCHA for 13 years, I'm a mum to two of the most wonderful caring boys and now a grandmother! I have worked within a number of services for NCHA, mostly in homeless families, single and pregnant couples to women fleeing domestic abuse.
My role as a diversity champion is to promote women. Being a single parent and working woman comes with its positives and negatives. It’s so rewarding when you have supported woman to be the best that they can be. As a woman I have to challenge stereotypes on a regular basis. At NCHA we women hold some strong positions and we want to promote the value of all colleagues.


Lawrence Role Model

Lawrence, Assistant Manager

Diversity Champion for diverse heritage colleagues

I want to help to give the voiceless a voice regardless of their sex, culture, religion, race and ethnic background. That's why I volunteered to be a diversity champion. This for me is a rare privilege and I am pleased to be a part of the change.

Diversity Champion Aileen

Aileen, People Systems and MI Analyst

Diversity Champion for women

I work for the People team to maintain records and processes and do lots of reporting. I’m Canadian and moved to the UK (initially to visit family) when there was constant talk of the recession. I'm a mum, I identify as female and I’m a feminist. Being aware of the inequalities I face in daily life, I think we need more feminists. We all have biases, but the more we are actively aware of them the more control we’ll have over their impact on the people around us. We should all check what we’re doing to make our workplace inclusive.

Diversity Champion Shanni Eve Price

Shanni-Eve, Support Worker

Diversity champion for women, colleagues with disabilities and the LGBT+ community

I'm excited to be an intersectional diversity champion representing women, people with disabilities and the LGBT+ community, because these are three marginalised groups I’m proud to be part of. Through an awareness of various issues we can better recognise, acknowledge and learn from the differences between each of our experiences of the world and create a more equal society and workplace.

Diversity Champion Joey

Joey, Administrative Assistant

Diversity Champion for colleagues with disabilities

I’m aiming to make positive changes for all my colleagues who live with physical and/or mental disabilities. I'm hoping that we can improve the day-to-day working life of our colleagues with disabilities, and together we can improve NCHA’s already glowing reputation as a great place to work!

Role models

NCHA has a group of colleagues who serve as role models, demonstrating the diverse range of people who make up our organisation. They’ve shared their stories to encourage our colleagues and potential colleagues to aspire to develop their careers and ambitions with us.