Charnwood and Melton Mental Health Wellbeing Service

Charnwood and Melton Mental Health Wellbeing Service is an advice, navigation and community recovery support service.

We provide support to people with emotional or mental health needs and their carers aged 18+, promoting wellness and recovery.

Advice and navigation through:

  • A dedicated phone line and web chat available 9am-5.30pm Monday to Sunday, offering advice and support
  • Signposting to other services

Community recovery support through:

  • Face-to-face or virtual 1-to-1 sessions offering support and advice
  • 1hr group sessions
  • Group session held locally

Contact us

What we offer

We are here to provide the right mental health and wellbeing support in your local community. We can explore options available together to find what is right for you. You can call us and talk through the options.

We run regular group information and advice sessions around Charnwood and Melton including peer support networks.

We provide one-to-one support with a trained Worker, who will listen to you and work with you to improve your mental health and achieve your personal goals. This will enable you to live life to the full and take part in activities and opportunities along with everyone else.

Who is this support for?

The service is open to anyone living in the Charnwood and Melton area aged 18 and over.

If you don't live in one of these areas, visit the NHS website for information on national mental health helplines

How do I access the service?

You can refer yourself, or your GP or other health or social care professional can make a referral on your behalf by downloading and completing the referral form. 

To make a referral you will need to download the referral form and return it completed to us by post or email.

This local mental health wellbeing and recovery service is funded by:

Charnwood Council LogoLeicestershire County Council

Partnership Logo