Wells Road
Wells Road in Nottingham provides long-term accommodation for people with learning disabilities.
Contact us
- Address: 280-282 The Wells Road, Nottingham, NG3 3AA
- Telephone: 0115 666 6758
- Email: wellsrd@ncha.org.uk.
If you're visiting us, you'll find us on Wells Road - we're on the right if you're travelling from the city centre. The blue line number 41 bus stops on Wells Road and has a frequent service.
How we can help
We provide 24-hour support, which can include one-to-one support, as well as group meetings. Each resident has their own named keyworker, who will help plan personalised support and risk assessments. We support people to look after their health and wellbeing, develop life skills and access specialist services.
All our residents are encouraged to have their say in the running of the home. We respect people's choices and privacy, and we promote equality and diversity.
We have six furnished bedrooms. There is a shared lounge, dining area and bathrooms. We've got a nice big garden at the front and at the rear of the property. We're in a convenient location, with local shops nearby and frequent buses into town.
Our CQC rating
We are regularly inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC). They publish the most recent CQC report about Wells Road on their website.