Housing design and development

Our architecture, development and contract management teams deliver high quality, sustainable homes throughout the East Midlands, under the Pelham brand.

Working in 33 different local authority areas, Pelham creates homes of all tenures: affordable and social rent, supported housing, Rent to Buy, Shared Ownership and outright sales.

They work closely with their clients and the local community to ensure that projects meet the agreed timescales, budget and aspirations of everyone involved. They deliver developments to be proud of.

The Pelham team is packed with experienced and enthusiastic professionals:

  • Architectural services
    Our friendly, experienced team of architects and technologists work for a broad range of clients. They provide a full range of architectural services delivering creative, energy-efficient housing solutions including small infill projects, private housing, affordable housing, rural housing, care homes and large urban developments.
  • Development services
    Our team work extensively with local authorities, housing associations and charities to help them realise their housing ambitions. Be it affordable housing, older persons' housing or specialist supported housing, we create communities where people want to live.
  • Contract management
    Our team of construction professionals offer a full range of building and refurbishment services. They offer clients a single point of expertise to ensure schemes are procured and delivered efficiently, predictably and with all risks properly managed.

Visit the Pelham website to take a look at some of their latest projects.

Pelham is proud to operate as a social enterprise, owned by NCHA. Any financial surplus is used to provide more homes in our communities.

Pelham development