Blyth Street

Blyth Street in Mapperley provides accommodation with support for people who are over 18 years old with mental health needs, as a step down from registered services.

Contact us

To access support at Blyth Street you will need to be referred by a social worker to the supported living team at Nottingham City Council.

How we can help 

We provide people with long-term accommodation, and ongoing support - this can be both in group sessions and on a one-to-one basis.

We encourage everyone who lives with us to have a say in how Blyth Street is run, and to take part in group support sessions and meetings. We'll respect your choices and privacy. Equality and diversity are important to us, and we work to make sure everyone feels included.

Everyone at Blyth Street has their own named keyworker, and they will work with you to develop a support plan and risk assessments around your needs - we know that no two people are alike. We'll help you to maintain your health and wellbeing, develop life skills, and get the most out of life.


Blyth Street has 10 bedsits within the main building and each has their own kitchen and shower room. There is a large garden to the rear of the property with some raised beds for people who are less mobile.

Blyth Street is in the Mapperley area of the City and the main shopping area is a short 10 minute walk away with a mixture of shops serving fresh fruit and veg, banks, a launderette and an array of charity shops.

The local GP is a short walk and they work very closely with the local pharmacy to ensure all medication needs are dealt with in the shortest possible time.

Comment from a service user

Living at Blyth Street means we have top class support and pleasant gardens which we all enjoy.